


The following information about the programme and about my background, with useful media links at the bottom of this page. 


My MA in Education Management at King’s College London led me to understand and analyse what motivates learners to develop deep learning processes and experiences outside of the classroom. I have explored problem-solving and critical approaches to educational management, quality of education and educational reform, leadership and educational change, educational markets, and curriculum analysis. 

Findings for my research on fixed and growth mindsets proved that human behaviour, achievement, motivation, self-esteem, and personality are among the factors that influence the impact on lives. Further experiments in this field provided me with a firm grasp of knowledge and understanding of current issues and research not only within pedagogy, but more practical issues educators face when safeguarding children.

I believe that each of us has the potential to create the change we want to see in the world. But too often we get stuck feeling like we can’t. I believe the world needs more people gifted with compassion and a desire to make a difference. People who see a problem and look for a solution. And people longing to create a life they love. I focus on replacing subconscious restrictions – such as limiting beliefs, fear, anxiety, unwanted behaviours – with more logical, strategic planning to help you find focus, get started and maintain momentum.

I also have a combined NLP and Life Coaching certification, helping individuals unlock their potential and accomplish goals in personal and professional areas of life. With my knowledge and expertise in the field of coaching, I am able to help you shed the overwhelm, guilt and fatigue that is weighing you down – and instead help you step up, take action and make the difference that only you can make.

The links  below detail the importance and success of a morning mindfulness routine that has been known to impact the lives of some of today’s most established entrepreneurs and world leaders.